Canary Health Technologies Announces Finalization of the World’s Fastest Mobile COVID-19 Saliva Test

30-Second Test will Soon be Available for Home, Business and Clinical Use

Digital diagnostics company Canary Health Technologies, Inc. has unveiled the world’s fastest COVID-19 test, delivering real-time, accurate results within just 15 to 30 seconds. The test will soon be available for non-prescription use for the detection of active COVID-19 in adults and children, ages 12 and above, with or without noticeable symptoms of the virus. Officially named the Pelican CV-19, the device is designed for testing inside homes, businesses, and clinics. Canary Health is currently filing with the FDA for EUA authorization and will soon file for European authorization as well.

By using a ultra-rapid, self-detection method, Pelican CV-19 users will be able to receive instant results right at home, enabling self-isolation as well as patient education regarding any necessary escalation of their medical care. As an antigen saliva test, the device utilizes cutting-edge technology to offer dual targeting to reduce errors, delivering results on an easily readable, high-resolution OLED display. The device offers 100% specificity along with 98% sensitivity even in those patients who possess lower COVID-19 viral loads earlier on in the infection process.

“Canary Health is offering a brand new category of rapid tasting to provide the fastest results ever seen before when it comes to COVID-19 testing anywhere in the world today,” said Raj Reddy, President and CEO of Canary Health Technologies. “During our research, we discovered that previous antigen tests were not always performing to a specific standard which is why we developed the Pelican CV-19 to be 50 times more sensitive than anything else currently on the market.”

By using elevated saliva technology, Canary Health Technologies’ device has overhauled the need for cumbersome nasal tests, previously thought of as the only way to determine COVID-19 results. Studies have also proven that saliva is more accurate than a nasal swab when it comes to a large sampling of at-home molecular and antigen tests.

“This ultra-rapid and ultra-sensitive, mobile, point-of-care test to detect current SARS-CoV-2 infection has the unmatched potential to allow earlier detection and subsequently, isolation of those confirmed cases, as compared to laboratory-based diagnostic methods, with the aim of reducing household and community transmission,” added Reddy.

The Pelican CV-19 is designed to be used in a multitude of ways moving forward including post-pandemic such as on those attending crowded locations like schools, restaurants, hotels, and conference centers as well as prior to entering a tightly enclosed space such as an airplane. The reading device is also meant to be reused with new cartridges that Canary Health is developing for combination with COVID-19/influenza testing scheduled to be released later this year.

About Canary Health Technologies

Pelican Diagnostics is powered by Canary Health Technologies, Inc. Canary develops mobile disposable point-of-care antigen and molecular tests for ultra-rapid and accurate diagnosis of infectious diseases, cancer, and inflammatory diseases. By eliminating centralized instrument-based testing, Canary’s products will empower doctors to leverage real-time diagnostic data to improve people’s lives. The platform will also enable consumers to be well-informed participants in their healthcare management through state-of-the-art, at-home diagnostics and point-of-care diagnostics to optimize their wellness journey. Visit  for more information.

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